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Rabbi Yisrael Gettinger, Rabbis & Rebbetzans

Profiles / / Rabbi Yisrael Gettinger

A rabbi is far more than a person who leads religious services and officiates at life cycle events. He is teacher, counselor, authority on religious questions and issues, community leader and very knowledgeable in all aspects of the Torah. Rabbi Yisrael Gettinger fills all of those roles and more.

Rabbi Gettinger grew up in New York City, and comes from a long line of rabbis. Following in their tradition, Rabbi Gettinger received his Smicha from Rav Hutner z”l, the late Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Chaim Berlin. Rabbi Gettinger came to Indianapolis in 2008.

It is said that Rabbi Gettinger has a unique ability to explain to people what it really means to be an Orthodox Jew.  His sermons and lectures are informative, entertaining and inspiring. Congregation B’nai Torah is very proud of our learned leader and Rabbi.

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